jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014


My name is Raquel Eunice Romero Muñoz
I’m gonna write some facts about me:
*I’m 13 years old and I never learnt how to jump the cord, I always stumble with the cord or as my hair is too long the cord entangles with it.
*I don’t know how to play basketball, I never can enter the ball into the hoop.
*I have a great terror about the balls of basketball or football, because I have the presentiment that the ball will hit my face.
*Some of my weirdest facts about me is that I like to dress up with my formal costum (dresses that I only use for Christmas, New year or weddings) and I start a photo shoo, my mum take me the pictures.
*I hate the salad with cabbage.
*When I was a child and sometimes now I used to call the salad with cabbage “The Barney Salad”.
*I can’t ride a bicycle.
*I learnt how to swim 3 or 4 years ago.
*When I eat crabs I eat 5 or 6 of them.
*I don’t use the deck to broke the shell of the crab I always use my teeth since I was 5 or 6 years old.
*I eat and know how to eat all kind of seafood.
*Every dinner I eat I join it with rice.
*I can eat many chocolate bars in a day, but I control myself.
*I love to eat, but when I’m in school I don’t like to eat nothing.
*I don’t like that the people see me crying.
*I usually can hide my tears when I´m in the school.
*My favourites telly programmes are: Sponge bob, Candy Candy, Hey Arnold, Jimmy Neutron and Doraemon.
*When I was a child I used to talk with my teddy bears.
*I go to the cinema every week.
*When I was child I want to grow my hair as Rapunzel.
*I hate the teenage magazines.
*I love the cold cloth but the heat of Guayaquil don’t let me use.
*I prefer orchestrated music instead electronic music.
*I don’t know how to cook dinner.
*I don’t like any fruits.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014


My cause of concern is about this war between jews and Palestinians.
Let me explain why I think that's important. If we don't stop this war the different countries of the world will join with their different allies, leading to the third war worldwide.
Some researches have said that this conflict have left 170 dieds and 1.200 hurts in the fringe of Gaza in their majority they are civil.
The president of France, Francois Hollande have said that he doesn't let neither Israel or Palestine, he's in favor of the peace, because the situation in the Middle West can be explosive; while the president of Bolivia considered offensive the attack that have done Israel in the Palestinian territory.
The pope have said that
 with the war you can destroy all God want the peace "Let us heard the yell of who want transform the weapons on instruments of peace, our fears in trust, and our tensions in forgive"
Finally, I'd want to say that we must stop this war, war just leave sadness and death, instead of happiness and cheer.

sábado, 19 de julio de 2014


 “I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil” ~J.R.R.Tolkien

For example, when someone close to you die and you cry for him your tears aren’t in vain because your tears are just the reflect of your broken heart.

“All that is gold does not glitter”

For me this means that looks can be deceiving.

“Darkness must pass a new day will come and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer”

After the evil things pass, the good ones will come and they are going to be better than the last ones.

jueves, 26 de junio de 2014


If I might choose or pick a super power I would choose the ability to speak and understand any language because it would be amazing and great, for example, I would understand when I read books that are written in another language and never have been translated to spanish. Also I would communicate with people of another country as english people, americans, italians, people from France, Switzerland, Malaysia etc.

Also I would like to speak hard languages as russian, german, greek, hebrew, latin, aramaic, chinese, portuguese, etc.

This ability (speak and understand any language) can help me in my future, because I want to be scientist and for this I may know at least five languages because science books are written in many different languages.

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014


Is my favorite character of the lord of the rings cause he was a brave leader of the fellowship of the ring.
He always tried to protect the ring bearer (Frodo) and always kept calm though the problems that were very huge, and gave hopes to his fellows in the war of the ring.

Aragorn also return to his kingdom “Gondor” because he was the son of Isildur, so king's blood was flowing in his veins; it was very hard because Denethor, the steward of Gondor was protecting the white tower and he refused to accept the “RETURN OF THE KING”.

Aragorn had all the qualities of a king (respectful, polite, brave and loyal) I think he was the best king of Gondor.

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014



My dream tourist destination is London, UK. I want to visit this city for many reasons:

The climate of London is wonderful though sometimes the tempearatures are very low,

I like cold temperature because I might wear boots and cold clothes. Also I would watch snow, I've never watched it in my life and if someday I see it I would take some snowflakes in my hand, make a snowman and play funny in the snow.

They also have high temperatures and I like it a little bit but I prefer winter.

Something that I really love of UK is their literature specially Tolkien’s books that are my favorites.

Another reason is that in the future I want to be scientist and I wish study in Oxford.